Franchise buyers! Should you be working with a Franchise Consultant? Erik dives into this question from his experience as a franchise consultant, franchisee, and franchisor. Before you start your buying process, there are some important questions you need to ask yourself! This episode will help you identify the things you need to know as you begin your journey into franchising!
Erik Van Horn is a franchising specialist, and expert in multi-unit, semi-absentee franchise business ownership. From entrepreneur to regional developer, and investor to consultant, Erik has worn many hats over the last two decades, which has provided him unique insight into complex aspects of the industry. If you're a franchisee, a franchisor, or one aspiring to be, subscribe to the Franchise Secrets channel and visit www.FranchiseSecrets.com for even more tactical and practical tools to help you buy, grow, and sell franchises like an expert.